Monday, March 12, 2007

Technical Info on Lock Bumping

Clicking on this link will take you to a Technical Analysis of Bumping written by The analysis was written in April 2006.

Why am I posting this? The information on Lock Bumping is "out there" in Cyberspace, available to anyone. I am posting this for the same reason this document was written, "This document addresses the relevant technical issues with regard to the vulnerability of mechanical locks to bumping and the security threat that results. Law enforcement agencies, security professionals, locksmiths and the consumer need to understand the issues in order to accurately gauge individual risks."

It is technical in nature and very informative.

As I have stated previously, please take any appropriate actions you feel are necessary to protect you, your family, and your assets.

From the DHI perspective, this topic offers a reminder that a home inventory is important. Please contact us if you have any questions.

1 comment:

Aaron Hansen said...

Good site and good info - thanks.