Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ID Theft from your Mail Box

One of the most common practices for a thief to steal your identity is to steal your mail.

A good security step is to use a locked mailbox.

However, with Lock Bumping, the security step of using a locked mailbox provides only a minor inconvenience to a thief. Most grouped mailboxes (apartment complexes, HOA mailbox centers, etc.) use a common lock with slight differences in the key for each mailbox. A thief with a master bump key for a group of mailboxes could literally steal hundreds of pieces of mail within a matter of minutes!

What can you do? Contact your HOA or apartment management (or the like) and request that they change the locks to bump-proof locks. However, although a justified cost in your eyes, the management will probably view the current setup as sufficient and not do anything.

Another step would be proactive of your part. Prevent your identity from being stolen before a thief even tries.

How? Please visit the DHI Identity Theft page to learn more.

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